Mohawk College - Program Quality Assurance Process Audit

Quality Criteria Form

Criteria Requirements Data/Evidence

Criterion 1

Program-level learning outcomes for all programs of instruction are set, are consistent with the college mission and the programs' intended purpose, and are appropriate for the credential offered upon successful completion of the program.

1.1 Learning outcomes set for all programs of instruction are:

1.1.1 consistent with the mission of the college;
1.1.2 appropriate to the level at which the qualification is offered;
1.1.3 consistent with the requirements of the Credentials Framework; and,
1.1.4 appropriate to the occupational requirements of the program graduates

1.2 Clear statements of learning outcomes exist for all programs offered by the college, and are communicated effectively to students and faculty.

1.3 Program learning outcomes are operationally meaningful in that they:
1.3.1 provide a sound basis for curriculum development and the design of student learning assessment; and,
1.3.2 are internalized and used in the day-to-day work of program faculty

1.4 Student requirements and obligations stated for each program are derived from, and flow coherently from, the program's stated learning outcomes.

1.5 Program learning outcomes are consistent with the credential granted, the title of the credential awarded, the provincial program standards (where they exist), and the
minimum essential expectations of the workplace. They are:

1.5.1 reflected in the course outlines; and,
1.5.2 used in prior learning assessments

1.6 Program learning outcomes are consistent with MTCU
Provincial Program Standards where they exist.

1.7 Program learning outcomes are regularly reviewed to ensure they remain relevant, and changes are made when necessary, including consequential changes to programs, courses, and assessments.

1.8 The capabilities of program graduates, including knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes are consistent with the intended program learning outcomes.

1.1.01 - New Program Quality Policy
1.1.02 - Program Lifecycle Flowchart
1.1.03 - New Program Development Process
1.1.04 - Program Review Overview
1.1.06a - New Program Proposal Action Plan
1.1.06b - New Program Proposal Template
1.1.07a - New Program CVS Application - Cardiovascular Technology
1.1.07b - New Program CVS Application - Energy Systems
1.1.08a - Program Review Toolkit #1a
1.1.08b - Program Review Toolkit #1b
1.2.01a - CVT - Learning Outcomes
1.2.01b - Energy Systems - Learning Outcomes
1.2.02a - CVT - Cardiovascular Technology Diploma
1.2.02b - Energy Systems - Energy Systems Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma
1.2.03a - CVT Student Handbook 2012-2014
1.2.03b - CVT Student Handbook 2013-2015
1.2.03c - ECET - Program Handbook 2013
1.2.04 - Mohawk Course Calendar
1.2.05a - Course Outline CVT - Example 1
1.2.05b - Course Outline CVT - Example 2
1.2.05c - Course Outline Energy Systems - Example 1
1.2.05d - Course Outline Energy Systems – Example 2
1.2.06a - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 1
1.2.06b - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 2
1.2.06c - Curriculum Map Energy Systems – Example
1.3.01 - Competition 2375 Curriculum Design Specialist
1.3.02 - Curriculum Development Process
1.3.03a - Program Proposal Cardiovascular Technician
1.3.03b - New Program Proposal Management Report - Energy Systems
1.3.04a - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 1
1.3.04b - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 2      
1.3.04c - Curriculum Map Energy Systems – Example
1.3.05a - Program Review Focus Group Notes – CVT
1.3.05b - Program Review Focus Group Survey Results – CVT
1.3.05c - Program Review Focus Group Notes – Energy Systems (in progress)
1.3.05d - Program Review Focus Group Survey Results – Energy Systems (in progress)
1.4.01a - Course Outline CVT - Example 1
1.4.01b - Course Outline CVT - Example 2
1.4.01c - Course Outline Energy Systems - Example 1
1.4.01d - Course Outline Energy Systems - Example 2
1.4.02 - Draft Program Information Policy
1.5.01 - New Program Quality Policy
1.5.02 - CVT Credentials Framework for Diploma Programs
1.5.03b - Course Outline Policy
1.5.03c - POS Procedure
1.5.04 - Course Outline Self-Evaluation Checklist
1.5.05 - New Program development Market Research - Energy Systems
1.5.06 - Program Review Toolkit 8
1.5.07a - PAC Minutes CVT – Set 1
1.5.07b - PAC Minutes CVT – Set 2
1.5.07c - PAC Minutes Energy Systems – Set 1
1.5.07d - PAC Minutes Energy Systems – Set 2
1.5.08a - PLAR Old Policy
1.5.08b - PLAR New Policy
1.6.01 - New Program Quality Policy
1.6.02 - General Education Policy
1.6.03 - Draft Program Information Policy
1.6.04a - Program Review Toolkit #1a
1.6.04b - Program Review Toolkit #1b
1.7.02 - POS Review Flow Chart
1.7.03a - Program Review Final Report - CVT
1.7.04a - Program Review Action Plan – CVT (in progress)
1.7.04b - Program Review Action Plan – Energy Systems (in progress)
1.7.05 - Program Prioritization Process
1.8.01 - KPI Graduate Survey Data
1.8.02 - Link to KPI Graduate Survey website
1.8.03a - PAC Minutes CVT – Set 1
1.8.03b - PAC Minutes CVT – Set 2
1.8.03c - PAC Minutes Energy Systems – Set 1
1.8.03d - PAC Minutes Energy Systems - Set 2
1.8.04 - Program Review Toolkit 8
1.8.05 - Program Review Toolkit 10
1.8.06a - Program Review Focus Group Notes – CVT
1.8.06b - Program Review Focus Group Notes – Energy Systems (in progress)

Criterion 2

Admission, credit for prior learning, promotion, graduation, and related academic policies support program development and student achievement of program learning outcomes.

2.1 Applicant and student requirements and obligations are clearly stated, communicated, and accessible, including:

2.1.1 requirements for admission to the program and to courses in the program;
2.1.2 provisions for awarding credit towards a credential or exemptions from specific course requirements as a result of cross-crediting, exemptions, transfer credits, and/or recognition for prior learning;
2.1.3 advancement in programs, and maximum periods for completion;
2.1.4 provisions for dealing with instances of impaired performance (e.g., aegrotat passes, special accommodations, etc.);
2.1.5 assessment, including provisions for reassessment and appeals;
2.1.6 requirements for awarding the credential;
2.1.7 rules and criteria governing any awarding of merit, distinction, and other grades; and,
2.1.8 assurances that the title of any qualifications awarded for a program or series of courses is consistent with the Credentials Framework for the college system, and with any relevant professional standards and/or nomenclature.

2.2 Clear statements of program learning outcomes are developed and used as a starting point in new program development.

2.3 Appropriate credits are allocated for each component of the program, and transfer and laddering options are stated.

2.4 Academic practices and policies govern program structure, including any specific pre- and co-requisites, mandatory and optional/elective components, practical/work-based components, alternative entry and exit points.

2.5 Changes to courses and program outcomes are introduced on a timely basis and are designed to maintain the relevance of the program.

Students will benefit from a clear statement of what they are expected to achieve in their studies. Faculty will benefit from a clear statement of the objective to which their teaching and learning support is to lead. Employers will benefit from a clear statement of what they can expect from graduates recruited by them.

2.1.01a - Admission Requirements - CVT
2.1.01b - Admission Requirements - Energy
2.1.02 - Academic Plan
2.1.03 - PLAR
2.1.04 - Exemptions
2.1.05 - AC700 Program Promotion and Graduation Policy
2.1.06 - Advancement and Promotion
2.1.07 - AC702 Grading and Transcripts Policy
2.1.08 - Policies
2.1.09 - Student Assessment Policy
2.1.10 - C709 Academic Appeals Policy
2.1.11 - AC700 Program Promotion and Graduation Policy
2.1.12a - AC702 Grading and Transcripts Policy
2.1.12b - POS Procedure
2.1.13a - Scholarships, Awards & Bursaries Policy C601A
2.1.13b - Outstanding Achievement Award Policy C612
2.1.13c - Medals College Policy C699
2.1.13d - Special Recognition Awards & Policy
2.1.14 - New Program Quality Policy
2.1.15a - CVT - Cardiovascular Technology Diploma
2.1.15b - Energy Systems - Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma
2.2.01-New Program Development Process
2.2.02 - Template - New Program Statement of Interest
2.2.03 - Template - New Program Concept
2.2.04a - New Program Proposal Action Plan
2.2.04b - New Program Proposal Template
2.2.05a - New Program CVS Application - Cardiovascular Technology
2.2.05b - New Program CVS Application - Energy Systems
2.2.06a - MTCU Application - CVT
2.2.06b - MTCU Application - Energy Systems
2.3.01 - AC702 Grading and Transcripts Policy
2.3.02 - National Transcript Guide
2.3.03 - Credit Values
2.3.04 - POS Procedure
2.3.05a - Link to Graduate Opportunities website - CVT
2.3.05b - Link to Graduate Opportunities website - Energy Systems
2.3.06 - Credit Transfer
2.3.07 - 2014 Pathways Fair Poster
2.4.01 - POS Review Flow Chart
2.4.02 - New Program Quality Policy
2.4.03 - General Education Policy
2.4.04 - Draft Program Information Policy
2.4.05 - POS Procedure
2.4.06 - Academic Plan
2.5.01 - Academic Plan 
2.5.03 - Annual Program Scorecard

Criterion 3

Programs conform to the Framework for Programs of Instruction and the Credentials Framework, are consistent with accepted college system nomenclature / titling principles, and maintain relevance.

3.1 The structure of the program is consistent with the program learning outcomes.

3.2 The length of the program is appropriate to the level of the program outcomes.

3.3 Academic practices and policies govern program structure, including any specific pre- and co-requisites, mandatory and optional/elective components, practical/work-based components, alternative entry and exit points, and are consistent with program learning outcomes.

3.4 Program title is consistent with college system nomenclature / titling principles.

3.1.01a - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 1
3.1.01b - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 2
3.1.01c - Curriculum Map Energy Systems – Example
3.1.02 - Program Review Overview
3.1.03 - New Program Quality Policy
3.2.04a - New Program CVS Application - Cardiovascular Technology
3.2.04b - New Program CVS Application - Energy Systems
3.3.01 - General Education Policy
3.3.02a - Program Review Final Report - CVTa
3.3.02b - Program Review Final report - Energy Systems (in progress)
3.4.01 - New Program Quality Policy
3.4.02 - New Program Development Process
3.4.03 - Program Review Overview
3.4.04 - New Program Quality Policy
3.4.05a - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 1
3.4.05b - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 2
3.4.05c - Curriculum Map Energy Systems – Example

Criterion 4

Methods of program delivery and student evaluation are consistent with the program learning outcomes.

4.1 Program delivery, including that which takes place off-site, is consistent with the nature of the program, the learning outcomes, and the needs of the students.

4.2 Academic policies and practices provide for assessments and appeals, and ensure that:

4.2.1 evaluation methods are aligned with course outcomes, are valid, and are reliable;
4.2.2 the required standards for evaluation are clearly specified for each component of the course and the program;
4.2.3 learners are provided with fair and regular feedback on progress and fair reporting of final achievement; and,
4.2.4 complaints, resubmissions, supplementals, and appeals are appropriate, fair, valid, and consistent.

4.3 Academic policies and practices that provide for the development and continuous improvement of teaching and learning methods are valued, documented, and supported. This would include:

4.3.1 regular experimentation with new teaching methods; and,
4.3.2 systematic measuring of the results of these new methods to support currency and relevancy of teaching and learning.

4.1.01a - New Program Proposal Management Report – CVT
4.1.01b - New Program Proposal Management Report - Energy Systems
4.1.02 - Academic Plan
4.1.03 - Work Term Package
4.2.01 - AC700 Program Promotion and Graduation Policy
4.2.02 - AC702 Grading and Transcripts Policy
4.2.03 - C709 Academic Appeals Policy
4.2.04 - Draft Program Information Policy
4.2.05 - Policies
4.2.06a - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 1
4.2.06b - Curriculum Map CVT – Example 2
4.2.06c - Curriculum Map Energy Systems – Example
4.2.07 - Course Outline Development Template
4.2.08a - Learning Plan - CVT
4.2.08b - Learning Plan - Energy Systems
4.3.01 - Academic Plan
4.3.02a - eLearning Strategy
4.3.02b - Blended Learning Update
4.3.02c - Inspiring Minds
4.3.03 - iPad Pilot Project
4.3.04 - Professional Development for Staff Policy

Criterion 5

Human, physical, financial, and support resources to support student achievement of program learning outcomes are available and accessible.

5.1 Teaching staff involved in the program:

5.1.1 meet the needs of the students and facilitate the achievement of the program learning outcomes;
5.1.2 possess the combination of experience and credentials appropriate to, and required by, the program of study;
5.1.3 have the level of expertise and ability to provide the advertised learning experiences; and,
5.1.4 are oriented, coordinated, and evaluated.

5.2 Teaching staff execute their professional responsibilities including, and not limited to:

5.2.1 working within clear and well-structured instructional plans;
5.2.2 providing prompt and constructive feedback to students;
5.2.3 promoting a positive attitude to learning in students;
5.2.4 participating in reflective practice; and,
5.2.5 undergoing initial and continuing professional development to enhance their teaching skills, and ensure currency.

5.3 Learning facilities (including learning Resource Centres) and equipment support the promised modes of delivery and the learning process.

5.4 Academic support and advising services meet the needs of the students and facilitate the achievement of the program learning outcomes.

5.5 Leadership, organization, and management of programs, include:

5.5.1 optimization of human resources, learning resources, and facilities;
5.5.2 measurement of efficiency in the use of resources are considered in the design of teaching methods; and,
5.5.3 consistent opportunities for students to meet the program learning outcomes are available across all learning locations and differing modes of delivery.

5.1.01 - Recruitment and Selection Policy
5.1.03 - Code of Conduct
5.1.04 - Performance Management Self-Paced Guide
5.1.05a - Full Time Faculty Performance Management Plan
5.1.05b - Development & Performance Management Probationary Faculty
5.1.05c - Faculty Performance Review Process – Faculty Self Reflection
5.1.05d - Non-Teaching Faculty Self Reflection
5.1.06a - Learning Environment Observation Guidelines 1
5.1.06b - Learning Environment Observation Guidelines 2
5.1.07a - Student Feedback on Teaching Policy - Mohawk College
5.1.07b - Student Feedback on Teaching
5.2.01a - Learning Environment Observation Guidelines 1
5.2.01b - Learning Environment Observation Guidelines 2
5.2.02 - Self-Reflection
5.2.03 - College Educator Development Program
5.2.04 - PD Calendar
5.2.05 - Professional Development for Staff Policy
5.2.06a - CTL Review Report FINAL - CTL Briefing
5.2.06b - CTL & Program Quality Operating Model
5.2.07 - Academic Plan
5.2.08 - FPDTF Final Report
5.3.01 - WhereEnCampus
5.3.02 - Academic Plan
5.4.01 - Learning Support Centre
5.4.02 - Student Success Advisors
5.4.03 - Counselling
5.4.04 - Accessible Learning Services
5.4.05 - Accessibility Plan
5.5.01 - Blended Learning

Criterion 6

Regular program quality assessment that involves faculty, students, industry representatives, and others as appropriate for the purpose of continual improvement is in place and happens.

6.1 The college has implemented a program quality management system that identifies and rectifies weaknesses, and facilitates the evolution of the program to maintain its relevance. This includes:

6.1.1 a process to review programs, courses, and academic standards, to monitor improvement following review, and to determine continuation or suspension of courses or programs;
6.1.2 provision for the systematic measurement of indicators that program outcomes have been met;
6.1.3 assurance that the views of learners, employers, professional and trade bodies, and academic communities are taken into account;
6.1.4 changes to programs and courses are managed to keep them current with provincial standards and relevant professional body requirements; and,
6.1.5 processes to ensure that recommendations arising from previous reviews have been considered and addressed.

6.2 Documentation and other evidence arising from program quality management processes is maintained and used in ongoing quality management.

6.3 Graduates, employers, students, and other stakeholders indicate satisfaction with the program.

6.1.01 - Program Review Overview
6.1.02a - Program Review Toolkit #1a
6.1.02b - Program Review Toolkit #1b
6.1.03 - Program Review Toolkit 3-Strategic Curriculum Discussion
6.1.04 - Program Review Toolkit 6-Credentials Framework
6.1.05 - Program Review Toolkit 4-Aligning Assessment with Outcomes
6.1.06 - Program Review Toolkit 9-Program Quality Data Analysis
6.1.07 - Program Review Toolkit 5-Pathways Partnerships Articulations
6.1.08 - Program Review Toolkit 7-Program System Map
6.1.09 - Program Review Toolkit 8-Program Advisory Committee
6.1.10 - Program Review Toolkit 2-Market Demand Satisfaction Success
6.1.11 - Program Review Toolkit 10-Program Review Final Report
6.1.12 - Program Modification Process
6.1.13 - Program Prioritization Process
6.1.14 - Program Rationalization Qualitative Analysis
6.2.01a - Student Feedback on Teaching Policy - Mohawk College
6.2.01b-Student Feedback on Teaching
6.2.02a - Retention Scorecard – CVT
6.2.02b - Retention Scorecard - Energy Systems (In progress)
6.3.01b - Program Report - Cardiovascular Technology
6.3.01c - Program Report - Energy Systems
6.3.02 - Program Advisory Committee Policy
6.3.03a - PAC Minutes CVT – Set 1
6.3.03b - PAC Minutes CVT – Set 2
6.3.03c - PAC Minutes Energy Systems – Set 1
6.3.03d - PAC Minutes Energy Systems – Set 2
6.3.04-Program Review Focus Group Notes – CVT
6.3.05-Work Term Package

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